Occasionally, Silsal Design House offers discounts and promotions. All discount codes and promotions (together, Offers) are valid for 25 business days unless mentioned otherwise. The Offers may not be used with any other discounts or promotional codes, and are non-transferable. All Offers advertised through Silsal Design House are only redeemable online on
All Offers may not be combined with any other coupons, discounts, offers and/or promotions. Offers are non-transferable and cannot be sold or otherwise bartered. Offers are only valid for in-stock items and cannot be applied to prior purchases, corporate gifting, customized orders, ‘Make it Personal’ items, special orders, gift cards, gift wrap, taxes, sale items, or promotional items such as Gift Sets.
Sign up discount codes are only valid on orders over 150 AED.
Kindly note that not all promotions and discounts may be applied to products that contain or come with candles, flowers, plants or chocolates.
Cashback deals can be redeemed on your next purchase on Spend refers to the subtotal in your shopping cart and does not apply to shipping charges, gift wrapping charges, flower and/or chocolate prices from ’The Gift Shop' or VAT. This offer may not be used with any promotional codes or discounts.
Cashback codes may not be applied towards already discounted items found in our sale section or anywhere else on the website.
Once the Cashback code is used online, returns on any previous orders through which the code was obtained, may not be accepted.
All Cashback codes are valid for 2 months from the date of receiving them.